
Mulkiah Yasir

Computer Scientist


Computer Scientist, AI Enthusiast, Teacher

Nomura Research Institute Indonesia [Full Time - Contract]
2022.01 - Now
Machine Learning Engineer
Jakarta (WFA)


  • Translate and refine business goals into appropriate machine learning objectives.
  • Design and implement ML/DL solutions and integrate them with various Big Data platforms and architectures.
  • Create and maintain ML pipelines that are scalable, robust, and ready for production.
  • Collaborate with domain experts, software developers, and data scientists.
  • Troubleshoot ML/DL model issues, including recommendations for retrain, re-validate, and improvements/optimization.
Orbit Future Academy [Full Time - Contract]
2021.07 - 2022.01
AI Coach

Experience in this company:

  • Training students and teacher on AI curriculum
  • Helping Students to identify local/social/global problems and support them to come up with soluction using AI
  • Database management for all activities
PCINU Jerman e.V [Remote, internship]
2021.06 - 2021.09

Experience in this company:

  • Develop electronic form for research questionnaire.
  • Have collaboration in developing electronic form for Cardiovascular Department, Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, Indonesia using Open Data Kit (ODK) Central.
Universitas Gadjah Mada
2020.08 - 2021.06
Practical Asisstant

Courses I taught as lecture assistant :

  • Programming I - Giving assistance and grade the exercise of students in understanding basic programming task using C++.
  • Programming II - Giving assistance and grade the exercise of students in understanding advanced programming tasks using Java and my IDE was eclipse.
  • Software Engineering - Helping students build up an understanding of how to develop a software system from scratch by guiding them through the development process and giving them the fundamental principles of system development with structured and object oriented technology using Data Flow Diagram, Flowchart, and Unified Modeling Language.
Universitas Hasanuddin
2014.08 - 2016.06
Lecture Asisstant

Courses I taught as lecture assistant :

  • Assist first-year students in understanding basic concepts of mathematics.
  • Help solve problems related to mathematics, statistics, computer science, and their applications.

This is all the projects I’m involved in.

e-health form

Our teams developed electronic health record system for Cardiovascular Department, Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, Indonesia, with DevOps Cycle..

My Portfolio

This repo contain my project as student/teacher/or participant in courses.

Universitas Gadjah Mada
2019 - 2021
Computer Science

Experience in this university:

  • Machine Learning
  • Security
  • Cryptography
  • Software Engineering
  • Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
Universitas Hasanuddin
2012 - 2016

Experience in this university:

  • Algebra
  • Mathematical Computation
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Fourier Transform
  • Hypercomplex Number
Online Deep Learning and Acceleration with OpenACC on NVIDIA GPUs
Höchstleistungsrechnenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS)
Training for Trainers "Capacity Building on Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Training
CfDS Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Data Research Center University of Groningen Netherland
Online Summer School on Combinatorial Design and Data Sciences
Mathematics ITB Summer School
MLSS series and Telkom University
South East Asian Mathematical Society School (SEAMS School) Coding and Graphs
Universitas Hasanuddin

Conference Paper - Compression-Encryption Model for Digital Images Based in Generative Adversarial Network and Logistic Map

Mulkiah, Suprapto, and A.K. Sari.
22nd The International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA) (2021).

Books Chapter - The Role of Science in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mulkiah Yasir
IAM Publishing. ISBN 978-623-6892-31-2

Journal - Some Useful Properties of Trinion Fourier transform.

Mawardi Bahri, Mulkiah, Anisa Kalondeng, Muh. Saleh AF and Ryuichi Ashino
INFORMATION (JAPAN),Volume 20, Number 8(A), pp.5489-5498 (2017)

Journal - Real Matrix Representation for Trinion Numbers and its Properties

Mawardi Bahri, Mulkiah, Nur Erawati, and Ryuichi Ashino
INFORMATION (JAPAN), Volume 19, Number 6(A), pp 1657-1666 (2016)
  • Indonesia [Native]
  • English [Professional]
  • Deutsch [Basic]
  • Reading
  • Coaching
  • Travelling
Talks and Jury

Here is my activities as presenter and being jury.

  • November 19th 2021, Guest Lecture (Orbit Future Academy representative) in Artificial Intelligence subject at Informatics Department, ITERA (Institut Teknologi Sumatera) Lampung.
  • June 20th to September 12th 2021, Mentor of Special Abroad Camp held by MITI-KM x Al Hadid Foundation (AHF)
  • June 8th 2021, Pengisi Podcast Pintar Ala Scholars Jawa Barat. Scholars for Jawa barat. Link
  • Aug-Oct 2020, Jury in National Student Scientific Writing Competition : Research and Development Competition (RnDC) with Theme : “Actualization of Youth Roles in Optimizing Local Resources Through Various Sectors as a Post-Covid-19 Economic Recovery Strategy (Indonesia) Committee: Student Activity Unit in research, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (Kristal), Aug – Oct 2020, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • May 30th 2021, Pemateri Pelatihan “Pejuang Esai Beasiswa Bersama Scholars JABAR”. Scholars for Jawa Barat.
  • February 26th, 2021, Guru Tamu Virtual SD IT Al Biruni Mandiri Kelas 4,5,6 Create Your Creativities During The Pandemic”, SD IT Al Biruni Mandiri
  • February 16th 2021, Pembicara LADAKSI (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan KSI), Kelompok Studi Ilmiah (KSI) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret (FP UNS)
  • December 19th 2020, Pemateri Bedah Buku Homo Deus, ODOJ MITI MJR-SJS
  • October 15th 2020 Pemateri Kelas Kajian & Riset untuk Mitra Bina Wilayah Jawa Tengah & DI. Yogyakarta - MITI KM

as Moderator

  • April 23th 2021. Gap Penelitian dan Kebijakan Terkait Bank Syariah - Dr. H. Azis Budi Setiawan. Intensive Research Class Series ini Ramadhan. STEI SEBI Link
  • August 22th 2020⁣⁣⁣. Meet Inspiring Womenpreneurs. Sharing Session Kewirausahaan. Kelurahan LPDP UGM. Link
  • November 28th 2020.Community College Initiative Program (CCIP): The Road to The Country of Uncle Sam - Ikrim Maizana, S.Pd. MITI KM Link